“Weaving” History in the Research Center

A recent visit from a researcher prompted a trip to retrieve some of the Warren book collection at CHS. She was looking for definitions relating to wool processes, and immediately I thought of the “Warren books” as a point of reference. Continue reading

The Philadelphia Story… A Connecticut Story?

The Oscar-nominated movie that is known for its many catch phrases (“The calla lilies are in bloom again”) has a few distinct connections with the Nutmeg State. Katharine Hepburn, born of Hartford, created the role of Tracy Lord on the stage in 1939, which immediately preceded the 1940 on-screen release of The Philadelphia Story. Continue reading

How to Brand a Museum Exhibit

One of the most enjoyable things about creating a new exhibit is designing its brand identity. The process begins months before the exhibit actually opens and requires a bit of research, brainstorming, and testing to ensure that the look of the exhibit is different than previous exhibits and also made for the intended audience.

The branding ensures that the marketing materials and in the physical design of the exhibit space are consistent with one another. Marketing materials include rack cards, exterior vinyl banners, invitations, store products, press releases, print advertisements, and posters. It then creeps into the actual overall feel of the exhibit space through introductory titles, labels designs, wall colors, typography, language, and interactives.


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